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  1. The Koran is the Muslim’s holy book.
  2. It was written after the death of Mohammed their “prophet”.
  3. It is divided into 114 surahs or chapters.
  4. The surahs are laid out by size, largest to smallest.
  5. There is no continuity of thought or chronology from surah
    to surah.


  1. Beat your disobedient wife (surah 4:34 )
  2. Abraham sacrificed Ishmael (surah 37:102,112)
  3. Jesus obeys Mary (surah) 19:32)
  4. Noah had son who drowned (surah 11:42-43)
  5. Ark rested on Mt. Judi (surah 11:44)
  6. Abraham lived in Mecca (surah 14:37)
  7. Allah doesn’t love sinners (surah 4:107)
  8. Allah is a respecter of persons (surah 4:96)
  9. Unbelievers are to be burned (surah 4:56)
  10. Unbelievers are to receive painful death (surah 9:3-5)
  11. Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaabad (surah 2:27)
  12. Haman worked for Pharaoh and built tower of Babel (surah
  13. Jews made golden calf at the suggestion of the Samaritan
    (surah 20:87,95)
  14. Jesus not killed nor crucified (surah 4:157)
  15. Jesus not the son of God (surah 9:30)
  16. Jesus not the messiah (surah 5:75)
  17. Jesus born under a palm tree (surah 19:32)
  18. Jesus not intercessor nor is there one (surah 6:51-70)
  19. Mohammed not sinless (surah 33:37; 40:55)
  20. Mohammed believed the Bible (surah 2:136)
  21. Thieves get hands cut off (surah 5:38)
  22. Only white people get saved (surah 3:107)
  23. Abraham thrown into a fire by Nimrod (surah 21:68-69; 9:69)
  24. Mary worked miracles (surah 19:23-26)
  25. Koran will not contradict the Bible (surah 2:136)