Bible Overview In Two Months
It can be discouraging trying to read through the entire bible in one year. Here is a schedule that is a little easier. This schedule is not designed as a detailed bible study, but rather gives you an overall picture of God’s plan for man. Also included is intresting facts, such as number of chapters, words, etc, in the KJV bible.
Although the graphic shows a date column, there are no dates on this schedule. Just 60 reading numbers and passages to read. This means you can start at any time, like today. In just 60 reading sessions you can have a complete overview of the bible.
Give this reading schedule a try and you will be a cut above the 97% who have never read the bible through.

Salvation Verses Bookmark Salvation Verses Bookmark
This handy little bookmark lists various bible verses from the Old and New Testaments which takes an unbeliever from being a wretched sinner to the only Savior Jesus Christ.
The flip side lists verses for the new Christian to aid in his assurance and fellowship with Christ