785 Heritage Ave Terrytown, LA 70056


Click on any sermon title to listen or download.


12/29/24Sunday 11 AMPredestinated, according to His promise, APolk
12/22/24Sunday 11 AMThe Prefect Gift, Christmas message, APolk
12/15/24Sunday 11 AMStrong Meat, Heb 5, APolk
12/08/24Sunday 12 AMJesus is Coming, TKerns
12/08/24Sunday 9:45 AMA Christmas Story, Tony Kerns
12/01/24Sunday 11 AMIn time pass, Heb 1, APolk
11/24/24Sunday 11 AMBy Faith, Con't, MSomoza
11/17/24Sunday 11 AM"By Faith, MSomoza
11/10/24Sunday 11 AMJohn 16_33, MSomoza
11/03/24Sunday 11 AMStill answers prays, APolk
10/27/24Sunday 11 AMThe Last Adam, APolk
10/20/24Sunday 11 AMThe Holy Spirit, APolk
10/31/24Sunday 11 AMLessons learned from the LAW, APolk
10/06/24Sunday 11 AMPriesthood of Christ, Con't, MSomoza
09/29/24Sunday 11 AMPriesthood of Christ, the law can't save, MSomoza
09/22/24Sunday 11 AMPriesthood of Christ, A New Covenant, MSomoza
09/15/24Sunday 11 AMPriesthood of Christ, Con't, MSomoza
09/08/24Sunday 11 AMPriesthood of Christ, Con't, MSomoza
09/01/24Sunday 11 AMPriesthood of Christ, Con't, MSomoza
08/28/24Wednesday 7 PM partialStudy of Hebrews, Ch.8, MSomoza
08/25/24Sunday 11 AMLORD of Lords-King of Kings, APolk
08/21/24Wednesday 7 PM partialFalse Apostles, APolk
08/18/24Sunday 11 AMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.5:12, MSomoza
08/14/24Wednesday 7 PM partialStudy of Hebrews, Ch.5:12, MSomoza
08/11/24Sunday 11 AMPriesthood of Christ, Con't, MSomoza
08/07/24Wednesday 7 PM partialStudy of Hebrews, Ch.5, MSomoza
08/04/24Sunday 11 AMPriesthood of Christ, MSomoza
07/30/24Wednesday 7 PM partialStudy of Hebrews, MSomoza
07/28/24Sunday 11 AMFruit of the Spirit. Mark LaFortune
07/24/24Wednesday 7 PMCol 3:1, Risen with Christ, KKelly
07/21/24Sunday 11 AMA new covenant, Heb3-4, MSomoza
07/17/24Wednesday 7 PM2Ti 2:15, Study to shew thyself, KKelly
07/14/24Sunday 11 AMNew priesthood, Heb 4:12-13, MSomoza
07/10/24Wednesday 7 PMChrist died for our sins, 2Co 15, KKelly
07/07/24Sunday 11 AMFree from death, Heb 2 & 3, MSomoza
06/30/24Sunday 11 AMClear Picture, KHunter
06/26/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.2:15, MSomoza
06/23/24Sunday 11 AMBride of Christ, APolk
06/19/24Wednesday 7 PMPray, KHunter
06/16/24Sunday 11 AMLost as Sheep, KHunter
05/29/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.2, MSomoza
05/26/24Sunday 11 AMLORDSHIP of Jesus the Christ con't
05/22/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.1, MSomoza
05/19/24Sunday 11 AMLORDSHIP of Jesus the Christ con't
05/12/24Sunday 11 AMLORDSHIP of Jesus the Christ con't
05/08/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.1, MSomoza
05/05/24Sunday 11 AMLORDSHIP of Jesus the Christ
05/01/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.1, MSomoza
04/28/24Sunday 11 AMOnce saved, Part 2, APolk
04/24/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.1, MSomoza
04/21/24Sunday 11 AMSalvation now what? APolk
04/17/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.1, MSomoza
04/14/24Sunday 11 AMOnce saved, Walk in the newness of life, APolk
04/07/24Sunday 11 AMLost of Salvation, Hebrews 6, APolk
04/03/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.1, MSomoza
04/01/24Sunday 11 AMHeb 6, APolk
03/31/24Sunday 11 AMHe is Risen?, APolk
03/27/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.1, MSomoza
03/24/24Sunday 11 AMFaith alone, Christ alone, none righteous, APolk
03/20/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of Hebrews, Ch.1, MSomoza
03/17/24Sunday 11 AMAre you prepared, Guest Speaker
03/13/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of John Con't, Ch. 21, MSomoza
03/10/24Sunday 11 AMWas Jesus revealed in the OT, APolk
03/06/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of John Con't, Ch. 21
03/03/24Sunday 11 AMStudy of John, A veiw of God, MSomoza
02/28/24Wednesday 7 PMMat 7, good_bad fruit, APolk
02/25/24Sunday 11 AMGRACE thru the Gospel, APolk
02/18/24Sunday 11 AMJesus the Bread of Life, Con't APolk
02/14/24Wednesday 7 PM"Study of John 20, MSomoza
02/11/24Sunday 11 AM"Jesus the Bread of Life, Con't APolk
02/07/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of John 20, MSomoza
02/04/24Sunday 11 AM"Jesus the Bread of Life, APolk
01/31/24Wednesday 7 PMStudy of John 19_20, MSomoza
01/28/24Sunday 11 AMGod "so loved" the world, APolk Part4
01/21/24Sunday 11 AMGod "so loved" the world, APolk Part3
01/17/24Wednesday 7 PMChuch of nones, KHunter
01/14/24Sunday 11 AMGod "so loved" the world, APolk Part2
01/07/24Sunday 11 AMGod "so loved" the world, APolk
01/03/24Wednesday 7 PMI am the way, the truth, and the life, APolk

Previous Years


12/28/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 9, Con't, MSomoza
12/25/22Sunday 10 AMGifts from God, KKelly
12/21/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 9, Con't, MSomoza
12/18/22Sunday 11 AMGift of Eternal Life, Rom 6:23, APolk
12/18/22Sunday 10 AMGifts from God, 1John 5:10, KKelly
12/11/22Sunday 11 AMGifts og God, 1Co 12, Apolk
12/4/22Sunday 11 AMRighteous, Judgement, Rev 19, Eph 2, 1Thess, Rom 1, APolk
11/30/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 9, Con't, MSomoza
11/27/22Sunday 11 AMGrace & Righteous, Gensis 6.19, 2, APolk
11/20/22Sunday 11 AMFellowship vs. Salvation, Romans 11:13-15, APolk
11/16/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 8-9, MSomoza
11/13/22Sunday 11 AMFellowship vs. Salvation, 1John 1:3, APolk
11/09/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 8-9, MSomoza
11/06/22Sunday 11 AMPut on Christ, Gal 3:27-29, APolk
11/02/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 8, MSomoza
10/30/22Sunday 11 AMAccess by Faith & Prayer, Con't, APolk
10/26/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 8, MSomoza
10/23/22Sunday 11 AMAccess by Faith & Prayer, Con't, APolk
10/19/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 8, MSomoza
10/16/22Sunday 11 AMAccess by Faith & Prayer, APolk
10/12/22Wednesday 7 PMCol 2, APolk
10/09/22Sunday 11 AMPut on the whole Armor of God, Eph 3, APolk
10/05/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 7, MSomoza
10/02/22Sunday 11 AMAround the corner, KKelly
9/28/22Wednesday 7 PMAnother Gospel, APolk
9/25/22Sunday 11 AMBelieve, Faith and Hope, Con't, APolk
9/21/22Wednesday 7 PM1Peter 1, Blood of Christ, APolk
9/18/22Sunday 11 AMBelieve, Faith and Hope, Con't, APolk
9/14/22Wednesday 7 PMHow many apostles were there? APolk
9/11/22Sunday 11 AMWhat did God Really say...? APolk?
9/7/22Wednesday 7 PMMark 7:3 Traditions & Commandments, APolk
9/4/22Sunday 11 AMOne Spirit, One God, One Body, APolk
8/31/22Wednesday 7 PMMatthew 23, APolk
8/24/22Wednesday 7 PM2Tim 1:3 , KKelly
8/21/22Sunday 11 AMHaving the right heart, KKelly
8/17/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 7, MSomoza
8/14/22Sunday 11 AMDid God create evil? APolk
8/10/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 7 Feast Of Israel (Somoza)
8/7/22Sunday 11 AMGod’s Grace (APolk)
8/3/22Wednesday 7 PMJesus in both OT and NT (Somoza)
7/31/22Sunday 11 AMGo to your room, APolk
7/27/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 6, MSomoza
7/24/22Sunday 11 AMProof of Life, Col 2, Acts16, 1Co 10< APolk
7/20/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 5-6, MSomoza
7/17/22Sunday 11 AMHow do I live, APolk
7/13/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 6, MSomoza
7/10/22Sunday 11 AMReconciled, Justified, Sanctified, APolk
7/6/22Wednesday 7 PMJohn 5-6, MSomoza
7/3/22Sunday 11 AMThe Way, the Truth, the Life, APolk
6/29/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 4, Con't, MSomoza
6/26/22Sunday 11 AMThe Way, the Truth, the Life, APolk
6/22/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 4, MSomoza
6/19/22Sunday 11 AMPromise of Eternal inheritance, Heb 8, APolk
6/12/22Sunday 11 AMGod Knows, John 2, APolk
6/5/22Sunday 11 AMThe Trinity or Godhead, Gen 1, Rom 1:20, Col 1, APolk
5/25/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 3, Con't, MSomoza
5/22/22Sunday 11 AMThe GRACE of God, The Godhead, APolk
5/18/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 2-3, Con't, MSomoza
5/15/22Sunday 11 AMThe Godhead Col 2:9, Con't, APolk
5/11/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 2, Con't, MSomoza
5/08/22Sunday 11 AMThe Godhead, Acts 17:29; Rom :20; Col 2:9, APolk
5/04/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of Mark 11, John 2, Con't, MSomoza
5/01/22Sunday 11 AMDan 3, Golden Image, APolk
4/27/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 2, Con't, MSomoza
4/24/22Sunday 11 AMEph 4:1. Christ crucified, APolk
4/17/22Sunday 11 AMResurrection Sunday
3/27/22Sunday 11 AM"Hebrews, Doctrine of Baptism. APolk".
3/23/22Wednesday 7 PM"A Study Of John 2, Con't, MSomoza".
3/20/22Sunday 11 AMPaul's Defense Act 26
3/16/22Wednesday 7 PM"A Study Of John 2, Con't, MSomoza".
3/13/22Sunday 11 AMPossession, Col 2:9-23, APolk
3/09/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 2, Con't, MSomoza
3/06/22Sunday 11 AMMat 12:22-32, APolk
3/02/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John 2, MSomoza
2/26/22Sunday 11 AMGospel of Christ, no compromise, APolk
2/23/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John, MSomoza
2/20/22Sunday 11 AMJustified, APolk
2/16/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John, MSomoza
2/13/22Sunday 11 AMPut on the New Man, Eph4 APolk
2/09/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John, MSomoza
2/06/22Sunday 11 AMIsa 1, APolk
2/02/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John, Con't, MSomoza
1/30/22Sunday 11 AMFoundation Of Truth
1/23/22Sunday 11 AMWarnings, Php 3:2-11, APolk
1/19/22Wednesday 7 PMA Study Of John, MSomoza
1/16/22Sunday 11 AM70 wks, Dan 9:24, 2co 5:17-21, APolk
1/9/22Sunday 11 AMCome Into The Knowledge Of Truth


12/26/21Sunday 11 AMDo This In Remembrance Of Me
12/19/21Sunday 11 AMWarning #2
12/19/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
12/15/21Wednesday 7 PM1 Corinthians
12/12/21Sunday 11 AMWarning #1
12/12/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
12/5/21Sunday 11 AMEnd Of Jude
12/5/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
12/1/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 07:00 pm
11/28/21Sunday 11 AMMore Jude
11/28/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
11/21/21Sunday 11 AMHey Jude
11/21/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
11/17/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 07:00 pm
11/14/21Sunday 11 AMBack To Basics 3
11/10/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 07:00 pm
11/7/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
11/3/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 07:00 pm
10/24/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
10/24/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
10/23/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
10/23/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
10/20/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 7:00 pm
10/17/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
10/17/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
10/10/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
10/10/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
10/3/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
10/3/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
9/29/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 07:00 pm
9/26/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
9/22/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 07:00 pm
9/19/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
8/25/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 07:00 pm
8/22/21Sunday 11 AMDispensations (Part 12)
8/22/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
8/18/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 07:00 pm
8/15/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
8/8/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
8/8/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
8/1/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
7/25/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
7/18/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
7/18/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
7/11/21Sunday 11 AMDispensations (Part 8)
7/11/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
7/4/21Sunday 11 AMState Of The Union
7/4/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
6/27/21Sunday 11 AMDispensations (Part 7)
6/27/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
6/20/21Sunday 11 AMHow To Identify A Cult
6/20/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
6/13/21Sunday 11 AMDispensations (Part 6)
6/13/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
6/6/21Sunday 11 AMDispensations (Part 5)
6/6/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
5/30/21Sunday 11 AMDispensations (Part 4)
5/30/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
5/23/21Sunday 11 AMDispensations (Part 3)
5/23/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
5/16/21Sunday 5 PMDispensations (Part 2)
5/16/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
5/9/21Sunday 11 AMTampering With The Text (technical difficulty missing)
5/9/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
5/2/21Sunday 11 AMDispensations (part 1)
5/2/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
4/28/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 7:00 pm
4/25/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ part 36
4/25/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
4/21/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 7:00 pm
4/18/21Sunday 11 AMJust Believe
4/18/21Sunday 10 AMSunday, 10:00am
4/14/21Wednesday 7 PMColossians 3
4/11/21Sunday 11 AMDo In Remembrance Of Me
4/11/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
4/7/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 7:00 pm
4/4/21Sunday 11 AMHe Is Risen
4/4/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
3/31/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 7:00 pm
3/28/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ part 35
3/28/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
3/24/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 7:00 (Ephesians)
3/21/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ part 34
3/21/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
3/14/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ part 33
3/14/21Sunday 10 AMSunday, 10:00 am
3/10/21Wednesday 7 PMEphesians 5
3/7/21Sunday 11 AMSunday 11:00 am
3/7/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
3/3/21Wednesday 7 PMEphesians 4 & 5
2/28/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ 31
2/28/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
2/24/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 7:00pm
2/21/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ (continued) part 30
2/21/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
2/14/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ (continued) part 29
2/14/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
2/10/21Wednesday 7 PMEphesians 2 - 3
2/7/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ (continued) part 28
2/7/21Sunday 10 AMSunday Feb 07, 2021
2/3/21Wednesday 5 PMEphesians 2
1/31/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ (continued) part 27
1/31/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
1/27/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 7:00pm
1/24/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ (continued) part 26
1/24/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00 am
1/20/21Wednesday 7 PMWednesday 7:00 pm
1/17/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ (continued) part 25
1/17/21Sunday 10 AMSunday 10:00am
1/13/21Wednesday 7 PMGalatians
1/10/21Sunday 11 AMApocalypse Of Jesus Christ (continued) part 24
1/10/21Sunday 10 AMSunday, January 10, 2021 10:00 AM
1/6/21Wednesday 7 PMRomans 9 - 11
1/3/21Sunday 11 AMThe Book